Money is tight. I think that’s true for most people living in this world at this time. So how do you have the ability to decorate for holidays on a budget? This is something I’ve become really accustomed to doing. I don’t like the idea of decorating for Halloween just to rip everything down once October is over. I also don’t like decorating just for Christmas when winter has just begun, so I’ve learned how to decorate in a way that not only saves me money but lasts a little longer than one might expect and I’m going to be sharing those tips with you!
There was a time when my husband and I were absolutely poor. Like, barely able to afford food poor. It was really difficult to make those holiday times seem special. While those were very difficult times, I learned how to make a dollar stretch, and during expensive holidays like Christmas, every penny counts. So how can you decorate in a way that is cheap, classy, and lasts a little longer than just one holiday?

Three Decorating Ideas for the Holidays to Save You Money! by
1.) Decorate for the Season Rather Than the Holiday: It’s sad to decorate for the month of Halloween, only to tear it all down and decorate for Thanksgiving and then tear that all down in favor of Christmas. It’s a lot of effort and it’s a lot of money. Instead, decorate for the season. Halloween and Thanksgiving both fall in the season of autumn. So for that decorating with pumpkins (not jack-o-lanterns), oranges, reds, browns, yellows and greens, and purples, and fall leaves will give your home a fall flavor. Then add small decorations for Halloween such as a few Jack-o-lanterns. It will still feel like Halloween, but then once Halloween is over you get rid of the Jack-o-lanterns and your decor still feels like fall which works for thanksgiving. Decorating like this allows you to buy more timeless pieces…Perhaps an Orange throw blanket or fall colored dishes. These may not scream HALLOWEEN, but it will scream fall and it will last for three months instead of just one.
The same goes for Christmas. Christmas is a winter holiday, so swapping out your fall colors for something like white, green, gold, and silver (leaving out the red) will give your home a “winter” feeling that will still look classy after Christmas and way into the winter months. Adding red to the color scheme automatically makes one think of “Christmas colors” where leaving it out lends more to the idea of colors we see in nature during this time. Putting up your Christmas tree or Menorah will enhance your decorations, but when they are taken down it should not detract from your decor.

Three Decorating Ideas for the Holidays to Save You Money! by
2.) Try DIY: The internet is full of really smart ways to decorate a space affordably and yet in a way that is really classy. For example getting red and green, or black and orange construction paper and making a paper chain out of alternating colors is simple. It’s just paper and glue, however, making a large amount of these to decorate windows, doors, and mantels really makes a fun statement that wasn’t very expensive. You can also take this time to learn a new skill such as crocheting to make holiday-themed blankets, washcloths, and tea towels instead of buying the more expensive kind.

Three Decorating Ideas for the Holidays to Save You Money! by
3.) Repurpose Thrift Store Items: The thrift store has wonderful things for a creative mind. If you want to add little holiday extras don’t be afraid to look there. I’ve seen people take little statues and repaint them into creepy keepsakes for Halloween, or if you really want those little Christmas extras, the thrift store is a great place to get them without breaking the bank.
Money that you don’t have to spend on decorating every year means you have more cash to spend on gifts for your friends and family, or even yourself. The less specific your decorations, the less time you have to spend decorating, and the more time you get to enjoy your holiday space doing something you love. I hope this post has given you a different perspective on what you can do to save time and money. If you’d like to be informed of future posts made on this blog, please SIGN UP HERE. Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day! -Heather Astaneh

Three Decorating Ideas for the Holidays to Save You Money! by